Emory has acquired at least 100 years worth of information and none of it can save her cursed best friend. Thick as thieves since childhood, Emory watches Xana sleep for three years and awaken for three weeks before the cycle repeats—a curse that started when they were young.

Having graduated from the orphanage, 18-year-old Emory spies for the latest info in exchange for tea—a desired currency far greater than the average coin. For it is known that drinking tea can enhance any type of skill. When rumors spread through the city of a special tea plant known to cure any magical ailment, Emory sees an opportunity of a lifetime: free Xana from her curse and reign as supreme of the spy network. It’s perfect timing because Xana is awake again to help, but not for long.

With time ticking to break Xana’s curse before her next slumber, the duo travel to enlist the quirkiest individuals in order to form a syndicate: a spy, a thief, a witch, and an assassin. The problem? They’re easily distracted, bicker too much, and have their own agendas. Emory will need to keep the syndicate together to achieve the wildest tea heist of her dreams, but the one pulling the strings is someone who has the power to end them all. If Emory fails, Xana will fall asleep but this time she may never wake up again.